The Earl of Buckinghamshire at the Society's 20th anniversary service in Great Hampden Church

The Ship Money monument at Prestwood

The Palace of Westminster in the 17th century

Pyrton Manor, home of John Hampden's first wife

The former Lord Williams's Grammar School, Thame

The Earl of Buckinghamshire at the 350th anniversary ceremony in Thame

St Mary Magdalene church, Great Hampden

Charles I tries to arrest the Five Members in the House of Commons

John Hampden's funeral in 1643

Arthur Goodwin, Hampden's lifelong friend
Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. Reproduced by permission of Chatsworth Settlement Trustees.

The Great Hall at Hampden House

St Mary Magdalene church and Hampden House

Hampden's regiment marching through Thame


The John Hampden Society Library

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Ref. No. Title Author or Editor ISBN No Publisher Date Precis
1 Verney’s Notes of the Long Parliament Reprint   Camden Society 1845 Printed from original pencil memoranda taken in the House by Sir Ralph Verney
2 Autobiography of Sir John Bramston of Skreens Reprint   Camden Society 1845
3 Certain Considerations upon the Government of England Sir Rodger Twysden & John Mitchell Kemble   Camden Society 1849 Edited from the unpublished manuscript
4 Sarcastic Notices of the Long Parliament Reprint   John Camden Hotten 1863 List of the members that held places, both civil and military.
5 The Interregnum The Quest for Settlement 1646 – 1660 G. E. Aylmer SBN 333 00309 8 Macmillan Press 1972  
6 The King’s Peace 1637 – 1641 C. V. Wedgwood   Reprint Society 1956  
7 Proceedings of the Short Parliament 1640 Esther S Cope   Royal Historical Society 1977  
8 Proceedings in Parliament 1625 Maija Jansson & William B Bidwell 0 300 03544 6 Yale University Press 1987  
9 Cromwell’s Army C. H. Firth Cat No 2/6789/27 Methuen & Co Ltd 1962  
10 Aristocrats Plebeians and Revolution in England 1640 – 1660 Brian Manning 0 7453 0940 2 Pluto Press 1996  
11 Robert, Earl of Essex – an Elizabethan Icarus Robert Lacey 1 84212 285 1 Phoenix Press 1971  
12 In a Free Republic – Life in Cromwell’s England Alison Plowden 0 7509 1883 7 Sutton Publishing 2006  
13 The Trial of Charles 1 C. V. Wedgwood   Collier Clear-Type Press 1967  
14 Four Caroline Portraits A. L. Rowse 0 7156 2460 1 Duckworth 1993  
15 The King and the Gentleman -Charles Stuart & Oliver Cromwell 1599 – 1649 Derek Wilson 0 09180160 5 Hutchinson London 1999  
16 King Charles, Prince Rupert and the Civil War Sir Charles Petrie   Purnell Book Services 1974  
17 The Battle of Landsdown 1643 – an Explorers Guide John Wroughton 978 0 9520249 8 9 The Landsdown Press 2008  
18 Sir Henry Vane His Life and Times 1613 – 1662 J. H. Adamson & H. F. Folland 0 370 10278 9 The Bodley Head 1974  
19 Records of the Foreign Office and State Paper Office 1500 – c. 1960 Louise Atherton 1 873162 13 8 PRO Publications 1994  
20 The Reign of King Pym J. H. Hexter 0 674 75401 8 Harvard University Press 1975  
21 1649 The Crisis of the English Revolution Brian Manning 0 906224 73 X Bookmarks 1992  
22 Britain and Europe in the Seventeenth Century J. R. Jones 0 7131 5162 5 Edward Arnold 1976  
23 Soldiers, Writers and Statesmen of the English Revolution Ian Gentles, John Morell, Blair Worden 0 521 59120 1 Cambridge University Press 1998  
24 English Historical documents Andrew Prescott 0 7123 0158 5 The British Library 1988  
25 The Impact of the Civil War John Morrill 1 85585 042 7 Collins and Brown 1991  
26 The English Civil War Maurice Ashley 1 84015 016 5 Bookmart 1995  
27 Civil Strife in the Midlands 1642 – 1651 R .E. Sherwood 0 85033 027 0 Phillimore & Co 1974  
28 Companion to the English Civil Wars Peter R. Newman (2 copies) 0 8160 2237 2 Biddles Ltd 1990  
29 Cheriton 1644 – The Campaign & the Battle John Adair SBN 900093 19 6 The Roundwood Press 1973  
30 The Civil War and Interregnum G. E. Aylmer & J. S. Morrill 0 7199 0977 8 Bedford Square Press 1979  
31 The Seige of Reading, April 1643 M. C. Barres-Baker 1 55449 999 2 eBooksLib 1957  
32 Proceedings in theOpening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 580046 037 2 Yale University Press 2000 House of Commons Vol 1 : 3 November – 19 December 1640
33 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 074 7 Yale University Press 2000 House of Commons Vol 3: 21 Dec 1640 21 March 1641
34 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 089 5 Yale University Press 2001 House of Commons Vol 3: 22 March – 17 April 1641
35 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 112 3 Yale University Press 2003 House of Commons Vol 4: 19 April – 5 June 1641
36 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 193 X Yale University Press 2005 House of Commons Vol 5: 7 June – 17 July 1641
37 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 218 9 Yale University Press 2005 House of Commons Vol 6: 19 July – 9 September 1641
38 Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament Maija Jansson 1 58046 224 3 Yale University Press 2007 House of Commons Vol 7: Appendixes and Indexes
39 The Private Journals of the Long Parliament Willison H. Coates, Anne Steele Young, Vernon F. Snow 0 300 02545 9 Yale University Press 1982 3 January to 5 March 1642
40 The Private Journals of the Long Parliament Anne Steele Young & Vernon F. Snow 0 300 03604 3 Yale University Press 1987 7 March to 1 June 1642
41 The Private Journals of the Long Parliament Anne Steele Young & Vernon F. Snow 0 300 05204 9 Yale University Press 1992 2 June to 17 September 1642
42 By the Sword Divided John Adair 0 7126 0241 0 Century Publishing 1983 Eyewitnesses of the English Civil War
43 The Sickly Stuarts Frederick Holmes 0 7509 3296 1 Sutton Publishing 2003 The Medical Downfall of a Dynasty
44 England without a King 1649 – 1660 Austin Woolrych 0 415 10456 4 Routledge 1995 Papers of Nicholas Ferrar, Letters of Sir Cheney Culpeper
45 Seventeenth Century Political and Financial Papers Reprint 0 521 57395 5 Cambridge University Press 1996 Decimation Tax
46 Atlas of the English Civil War P. R. Newman 0 02 906540 2 Macmillan Publishing 1985 Maps and discourse of English Civil War Battles
47 Working Papers for the Short Parliament P. D. Hooper       Miscellany of letters and references referring to Paul Hooper’s book on the Short Parliament
48 Extracts from History of England P. D. Hooper (Gardiner)       Items relating to John Hampden
49 Oliver Cromwell John Morley   Macmillan & Co 1900 Biography of Oliver Cromwell
50 John Hampden Hugh Ross Williamson   Hodder & Staunton 1933 Biography of John Hampden
51 Memorials of John Hampden – 5th Edition Lord Nugent   George Bell &Sons 1899 Biography of John Hampden
52 17th Century J. S. Millward   Hutchinson London 1961 Textual portraits of famous 17th people
53 The History of The Great Rebellion Edited by Roger Lockyer   Oxford University Press 1967 The political state of the Civil War
54 Puritans John Adair ISBN 0 7509 1950 7 Sutton Publishing 1998 Religion & Politics 17th C England & America
55 An Unhappy Civil war John Wroughton ISBN 0 9520249 2 6 The Landsdown Press 1999 Experiences of ordinary people in Glous, Somerset, Wilts
56 The English Civil War Edited by R C Richardson ISBN 0750912413 Sutton Publishing 1997 Local Aspects
57 Mr Secretary Thurloe Philip Aubrey ISBN 0 485 11347-3 Athlone Press 1990 Cromwell’s Secretary of State 1652 – 1660
58 A Community At War John Wroughton ISBN 0 9520249 0x Landsdown Press 1992 The Civil War in Bath & North Somerset 1642 – 1650
59 Cromwell’s Earl Richard Ollard ISBN 000 255003 2 Harper Collins Publisher 1994 A Life of Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich
60 Earls of Paradise Adam Nicolson ISBN 9780007240524 Harper Press 2008 England & the Dream of Perfection
61 The Verneys Adrian tinniswood ISBN 978159448948 Peguin Books Ltd 2007 A true story of Love, War and Madness in 17th C England
62 World Enough and Time Nicolas Murray ISBN 031664863 9 Little Brown & Company 1999 The Life of Andrew Marvell
63 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Offices of the Royal Historical Society 5th series Vol 15 Butler & Turner 1965 War propaganda & historical in 15th C France & England
64 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Offices of the Royal Historical Society 5th Series Vol 18 Butler & Turner 1968 Losing the initiative by House of Commons 1780 – 1914
65 Private Journals of the Long Parliament Vernon F Snow & Anne Steele Young ISBN 030005204-9 Yale University Press 1992 2nd June to 17th Sept 1642
66 Private Journals of the Long Parliament Vernon F Snow & Anne Steele Young ISBN 0-30002545-9 Yale University Press 1982 3rd Jan to 5th March 1642
67 Private Journals of the Long Parliament Vernon F Snow & Anne Steele Young ISBN0-300-03604-3 Yale University Press 1987 7th March to June 1942
68 ‘Our Island’ In War and Commonwealth Paul Hooper ISBN I-87329541-3 Cross Publishing 1998 The Isle of Wight 1640 – 1660
69 Society & Puritanism in Pre-revolutionary England Christopher Hill ISBN 07126-6816-0 Clays Ltd 2003 Economic problems of the Church from Arch Whitgift to LP
70 Cromwell’s Generals Maurice Ashley   A W Bain & Co Ltd 1954 Fairfax, Ireton, Overton, Monk, Harrison & more
71 The Roundheads Jasper Ridley ISBN 009 461230-7 Constable 1976 Hampden, Pym, Essex, Waller, Cromwell, Ireton & more
72 Cavaliers & Roundhead Spies Julian Whitehead ISBN978 184415957 Pen & Sword Books Ltd 2009 Intelligence in the Civil War & Commonwealth
73 The Cromwellian Gazetteer Peter Gaunt 075090-063-6 The Bath Press 1987 Illustrated guide to Britain in Civil War & Commonwealth
74 A Nation under siege Peter Gaunt HMSO HMSO 1991 The Civil War in Wales 1942 – 1648
75 Members of the Long Parliament D Brunton & D H Penninton sbn 208 00686 9 George Allan & Unwin Ltd 1954 The Long Parliament
76 Verney’s Notes of the Long Parliament Edited by John Bruce Series I, 31 Camden Society 1968 Verney’s Notes
77 Roundhead General John Adair sbn 356 02641 8 Macdonald & Co Ltd 1969 A military biography of Sir William Waller
78 Fairfax John Wilson ISBN 07195-4207-3 John Murray Ltd 1985 General of Parliament’s forces in the English Civil War
79 Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan revolution Maurice Ashley   English University Press 1958 The Greatness of Oliver Cromwell
80 Famous battles of the Midlands Philip Warner   William Collins CoLtd 1973 Edgehill, Chalgrove (badly) & others
81 Cromwelliana 1990 Edited by Peter Gaunt   Cromwell Association 1990 Cromwell
82 Cromwelliana 1991 Edited by Peter Gaunt   Cromwell Association 1991 Cromwell
83 Cromwelliana 1992 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-03 X Cromwell Association 1992 Cromwell
84 Cromwelliana 1993 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0- 905729-048 Cromwell Association 1993 Cromwell
85 Cromwelliana 1994 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-05 X Cromwell Association 1994 Cromwell
86 Cromwelliana 1995 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0- 905729-064 Cromwell Association 1995 Cromwell
87 Cromwelliana 1996 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0- 905729-072 Cromwell Association 1996 Cromwell
88 Cromwelliana 1997 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-080 Cromwell Association 1997 Cromwell
89 Cromwelliana 1998 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-099 Cromwell Association 1998 Cromwell
90 Cromwelliana 1999 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-10-2 Cromwell Association 1999 Cromwell
91 Cromwell 400 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-11-0 Cromwell Association 1999 Cromwell
92 Cromwelliana 2000 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-12-9 Cromwell Association 2000 Cromwell
93 Cromwelliana 2001 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-13-7 Cromwell Association 2001 Cromwell
94 Cromwelliana 2002 Edited by Peter Gaunt ISBN 0-905729-14-7 Cromwell Association 2002 Cromwell
95 Cromwelliana 2003 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-15-3 Cromwell Association 2003 Cromwell
96 Cromwelliana 2004 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-16-1 Cromwell Association 2004 Cromwell
97 Cromwelliana 2005 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-17-X Cromwell Association 2005 Cromwell
98 Cromwelliana 2006 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-18-8 Cromwell Association 2006 Cromwell
99 Cromwelliana 2007 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-19-6 Cromwell Association 2007 Cromwell
100 Cromwelliana 2009 Edited by Jane A Mills ISBN 0-905729-21-8 Cromwell Association 2009 Cromwell
101 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol XX Part 3 1977 Edited by G.R.Elevy ISBN 86059-092-5 Bucks Archaeological Soc 1977 Archaeology of Bucks
102 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol XX Part 4 1978 Edited by G.R.Elevy ISBN 86059-181-6 Bucks Archaeological Soc 1978 Archaeology of Bucks
103 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol XX11 1980 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 86059-198-0 Bucks Archaeological Soc 1979 Archaeology of Bucks
104 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol XX111 1981 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 86059-335-5 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
105 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 24 1982 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 86059-331-2 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks with Index to Vols 21 – 24
106 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol XXV 1983 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 86059-353-3 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
107 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 26 1984 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 9500590 1 3 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
108 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 27 1985 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 02 6 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
109 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 28 1986 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 03 4 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
110 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 29 1987 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 04 5 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
111 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 30 1988 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 04 6 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
112 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 31 1989 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 06 9 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
113 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 32 1990 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley ISBN 0 949003 06 9 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
114 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 33 1991 Edited by John Chenevix Trench & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
115 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 40 1998 – 2000 Edited by R.T.Bettridge & M.E.Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
116 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 41 2001 Edited by R.T.Bettridge & M.E.Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
117 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 42 2002 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
118 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 43 2003 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
119 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 44 2004 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
120 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 45 2005 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
121 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 46 2006 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
122 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 47 Part 1 2007 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
123 Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 47 Part 2 2007 Edited by John Clarke & M.E. Farley issn 0967- 2885 Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks
124 Records of Buckinghamshire Index Vols 31- 40 1989-2000 Compiled by Diana Gulland   Bucks Archaeological Soc   Archaeology of Bucks Index to Vols 31 – 40 1989 – 2000
125 Parish Registers of Great Hampden 1557 – 1812 Edited by Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite     1888 Parish Records, Baptisms, Burials & Monuments inscriptions
126 A Life of John Hampden The Patriot 1594 – 1643 John Adair ISBN 0354040146 Macdonald & Janes Ltd 1976 John Hampden’s Life
127 The English Revolution 1640 Edited by Christopher Hill   Lawrence & Wishart Ltd 1940 Three Essays on the Civil War
128 The Civil War in the Trent Valley. Andrew Polkey   J.H.Hall & Sons Ltd 1992 Civil War in the Trent Valley
129 Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution Revisited Christopher Hill ISBN 0-19-820668-2 Clarenden Press 1997 Detailed study of science, religion and politics of the age.
130 The King’s Peace 1637 – 1641 Last edition C.V. Wedgewood   Collins Clear Type Press 1970 The Civil War from the Royalist perspective (two copies)
131 England in the Seventeenth Century 1603 – 1714 Maurice Ashley Penguin Cox & Wyman Ltd 1961 Study of Politics & Religion throughout the 17th century.
132 The Trial of Charles 1 C. V. Wedgwood Fontana Collins Clear Type Press 1967 The King’s trial from a Royalist view.
133 The King’s War 1641 – 1647 C.V. Wedgwood   Collins Clear Type Press 1964 The Civil War from the Royalist perspective.
134 The Great Rebellion 1642 – 1660 Ivan Roots   B T Batsford 1966 Politics of the period.
135 The Early Stuarts 1603 – 1660 Godfrey Davies ISBN0-19-8210704-8 Clarenden Press 1992 Detailed study of science, religion and politics of the age.
136 Royalists & Patriots J.P Sommerville ISBN0582-32006-2 Pearson Press 1999 Study of Politics & Religion from both sides.
137 For King And Parliament Phillip Lindsay   Hazell Watson & Viney 1949 Lighter take on the Civil War.
138 The Civil War in the Midlands 1642 – 1651 Roy Sherwood ISBN0-7509-0167-5 Alan Sutton Publishing 1992 Balanced study of the Civil War.
139 Prince Rupert – Admiral & General-at-Sea Frank Kitson ISBN0-09-479850-8 Constable & Co 1999 Exploits of Prince Rupert
140 Going to the Wars Charles Carlton   T.J.Press (Padstow) Ltd 1992 The Experience of the English Civil Wars 1638 – 1651
141 Stuart England J.P. Kenyon Penguin Cox & Wyman Ltd 1985 Lighter take on the Stuarts.
142 The Civil Wars 1638 – 1660 Edited by John Kenyon & Jane Ohlmeyer ISBN019 866222X Oxford University Press 1998 A military history of England, Scotland & Ireland 1638-1660
143 Charles II by Christopher Falkus Antonia Fraser   Sphere Books 1975 A lighter take on Charles II
144 Charles I by D. R Watson Antonia Fraser   Butler & Turner 1993 Personal associations of Charles I
145 Life of Colonel Hutchinson and the Seige of Lathom House Colonel Hutchinson   Bohn’s Standard Library 1880 Copied from the original and signed by a descendant.
146 Who’s Who in British History Edited by Juliet Gardiner ISBN1-85585-771-5 Bath Press 2000 As the title implies, a Who’s Who.
147 The Letter Books of Sir Samuel Luke 1644-45 H.G.Tibbutt   Historical Manuscripts 1963 Luke’s working papers from Newport Pagnell.
148 Memoirs of Prince Rupert Vols 1,2 & 3 Eliot Warburton   Richard Bentley 1869  
149 The King’s General in the West Rev Roger Granville   John Lane 1908  
150 The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon Vols 1 & 2 Sir Henry Craik   Smith, Elder & Co 1911  
151 English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century 1603-1689 J.R. Tanner   Cambridge University Press 1928  
152 Life and Times of General John Lambert W. H. Dawson   William Hodge & Co Ltd 1938  
153 Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 E S Coates & W. H. Coates   Royal Historical Society Camden Fourth Series Vol 19 1977  
154 A Bibliography of British Military History. Anthony Bruce   H.G. Munchen 1981 From the Roman Invasions to the Restoration, 1660
155 Sir Henry Vane His Life and Times 1613 – 1662 J.H. Adamson & H.F. Holland   The Bodley Head 1974  
156 Sir Bevil Grenville and his Times John Stucley   Phillimore & Co Ltd 1983  
157 Statutes and Constitutional Documents 1558 – 1625 G.W. Prothero   Clarendon Press 1918  
158 The English Revolution III Newsbooks 5 Vol 17 Mercurius Politicus 1657 – 58   Cornmarket Press 1971  
159 The Clarke Papers C H Firth ed. ISBN 0-86193-133-5 Royal Historical Society 1992 Selections from the papers of William Clarke Secretary to the Council for the Army 1647-49 and General Monck 1651-1660
160 Battles & Generals of the Civil Wars Col. H C B Rogers   Seeley Service & Co Ltd 1968 Follows the course of each battle on the spot equipped with eye witness accounts and contemporary military text books.
161 The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution 1628-1660 S R Gardiner   Clarendon Press 1889 The documents are intended to serve as a basis the study of the constitutional and political history of the period
162 Cromwell’s letters & speeches (2nd edition) T Carlyle   Griffith Farran Okeden & Welsh 1846  
163 The History of the Rebellion & Civil War in England (in six volumes) Edward Earl of Clarendon   Oxford 1717 The original classic account of the Civil War from the Royalist perspective.
164 Whitelock’s Memorials (in four volumes) Bulstrode Whitlock MP   Oxford University Press 1853 The papers of a contemporary and relative of Hampden
165 The Lord Fairfax’s Memorials Thomas Fairfax   Richard Chiswell 1699 A short account by Fairfax of the War in the North 1642-1644 and an explanation of some the events that occurred when he was in command of the Army
166 Three Tracts Relative to The Battle of Birmingham AD 1643     Reprinted for T Beilby & T Knott 1815 Three contemporary, highly partisan accounts of the battle of Birmingham on Monday 3rd April 1643. They record Prince Rupert and his troops in action a couple of months before the battle of Chalgrove